lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

Virtual Trip To Scotland

My group and other groups organize a tip to Scotland that consist to vistit some importantes places in Scotland.

This the page of the trip:

And here the page of my group:

In this group I'm the Guide, that I'm who organize the travels in all the cities that we visit.

This is the route that we'll do:

Francisco Alfonso Valverde 4ºB


My PLE is consist in the progams that I'm utilizing in my computer for example for search I utilize Google, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox; for share Blogger, Pinterest, and YouTube; for communicate Twitter, Tuenti, Facebook; and to create Open Office, SoundCloud, PowerPoint

                                                                              Francisco Alfonso Valverde 4º B

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012

What To Read?

                                  MORE SPORT STARS

I choose this book because I like do sport, I like sport, I like sports starts and all type of sport because I think that the sport is very healthy for our bodys and we take  example of our favourite sprots stars, one of my favourite starts is Casillas, Rafa Nadal, Pau Gasol, like Casillas play soccer, Rafa Nadal play tennis and Pau Gasol basketball and I play Waterpolo

Francisco Alfonso Valverde 4ºB

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012


Laura was born in Exeter. Exeter, England is a city very old, with beautiful buildings, and many shops Laura change many of town because in his period was very easy to move. She leave the school when she had 16 years. She went to the university when she had 33 years. She study spanish language, and them she study to was a teacher.

She was to changed Spain 12 years ago, living in Mayorca 2 years and them changed to Motril. She prefers Spain than England , because she thing Spain has better weather, better people, better food ... She love the animals and he has 6 dogs in her house she´s very but they are abandoned 

Francisco Alfonso Valverde 4ºB

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012


Hi ! I´m Fran and I have 14 years old. I live in Motril with my family and I study in the scholl I.E.S La Zafra. I have most of my family in Murcia, because I was born there but actually I live in Motril with my parents and my sister. Now I would like say things about me.

My favourite food is pizza but I hate spinach. Always a listen to music rock because I love but I hate the regaetton I think is very stupid.

My hobbies are leave, do sport (I like all the sports) , sleep, eat and play video games and things that I hate is study, work, do homeworks, go to the school, stay all the time in my house.

I stay in 4ºESO and my subjects is very difficult but with good teachers. I think that I study and do the homeworks of differents subjects I can approve this.

I love do sport every I do sport because I hate stay all the day in the computer, play video games, I would like stay strong because is very healthy. The sport that I practice Waterpolo and I love because I thing is the fullest sport because you exercise the arms, legs, chest, abdominal every parts of our body.

In the future, I want to be a gym teacher, because I would like to stay in a job must be career that I like and I would like to live here in Motril and have a good wife and good childrens.

Well this is my personal biography of things about me and allthe information that you should know about me. Bye !!

Francisco Alfonso Valverde 4ºB